My Personal Opinions

What are yours?

Opinions are interesting, don't you think? By hearing other people's opinions you form your own and become aware of some of the things you've been taught. I try to base my opinions on some facts or experiences I've had, but yes, these are opinions, meaning it's no universal truth.. I'm not saying this is the way to live.. I'm saying this is how I live my life. How do you live yours?

For your convenience I've divided opinions into categories.

Bear Children:

- If you have a difficult birth or pregnancy there are certain risks to the child. For example I've read in a scientific newspaper that scandinavian scientists have discovered a connection between a difficult pregnancy (or diff. birth) and schizofrenia. If I had had a difficult time, I would want to know about the risks (all of them) and the signs that something is wrong. Better to know about the difficulties ahead, and prepare yourself, than not to know and have your child suffer later. (15% of people aged 15-25 with schizofrienia commit suicide.)

- Your children mirror yourself, so if you want your children to be happy and balanced people you need to work with yourself. We don't need more unhappy, unbalanced, hurtful people in the world. If you don't want your child to gossip and be hurtful, make sure you don't gossip and say hurtful things about others in the presence of the child. The rule is not - do what I say, not what I do. That doesn't work. They learn what you do, period.

Flower.. pretty! Religion:

- Try to convert me and I won't hesitate to attack back. (Religious conversations is my speciality, you'd be in trouble, believe me, I've had much exersize in this.) Convertions are evil. Christianity (= western thinking) has destroyed so many wonderful cultures by judging them to be heathens. Missionaries - I hate every one of them because of what they do, but I don't hate them personally. (Big difference between the two!)

- All religions might be right, it IS possible. The only way you cannot see that is if you get stuck at all the details we humans have made (up). (Your choice of course.) All you have to do to make everything match is to change your attitude. However, if you'd rather believe one religion is right, that's your choice. I believe in every religion.

- I do not believe in any religion. Heheh, confuzzled? How could I explain this.. Religions have a point, but in the end they're not important. Eh.. Living with paradoxes is easy if you have the right attitude.

- By nature I'm zenbuddhistic, a mystic. In my opinion buddhism has a very good point and makes much more sense than islam or christianity.

- In my opinion is wicca an important part of surviving on this Earth. They respect the Earth and listen to it, yes? Among other things... If all people were wiccans we'd be better off.

- Hare Krishna! It's my opinion that the chant of the Hare Krishna movement is very powerful and very good. This is definately a religion of Light. At least this is true when the leaders are good.


- When you fear love just shrinks up and goes poof. When you feel afraid, concentrate on love and you'll feel better again. Fear makes a hole in yourself, love completes you. This is why I feel fear and love are opposites.

- Romance is lovely, but it's not the same as real love, deep love, true love. When romance fades out (and reality fades in, as Oprah put it) you start seeing the person for who he/she really is, and then that true love can set in. Of course, you may end up disliking the person too if you're only wanting that romance.. but know this - if you're just wanting the romance all your life you will never find one person to be with, beacuse all romance disappears after a while. (Haven't I been paying good attention to Oprah? *giggles*)

- Love is everything, everything is Love. They say the energy, the power of the universe.. what it's built of.. the grand energy we can count on.. is Love. And I believe them. Maybe.

- Love can heal everything, EVERYTHING. I hear that people who don't love themselves (which is a whole lot of people!) can draw to them cancer. You can cure yourself of cancer too, don't worry, it's not a threat or anything. *S* You're worth loving - no matter what you've done or what you do.. no matter how you feel or how you think.. no matter what you look like, no matter what your background is or what your family says.. This is no theory, it's real. You're worth loving. Always.

- Loving unconditionally is our final goal as humans I guess, and that is not possible until you love yourself unconditionally. Why? Because we're all linked together.. What we hate it others we really hate in ourself. If we hate something in ourself we also hate that in others. You see how that works? Unconditional love.. It's my goal at least.. Love.. spreading it, feeling it, always being in it.. it's such "ein eingenemes gefühl" - a pleasant feeling. I just love how it sounds in German... *S*

- Relationships are good for working on yourself. You're the other person's support, he/she is yours. Together you can get through anything, and you're always moving forward. That's how I want my relationship to be..

Smile! My last words on the subject:

- Opinions, what are they? They're reflections of ourselves. What we hate and what we love has nothing to do with the subject itself. When I say I hate christianity I'm really hating something within myself. I say I hate people who gossip, but in reality I don't hate the people - I hate what gossip does, how it makes me feel - it's something I don't want to do because I don't want to hurt people. In other words, when I say I hate gossipers I'm REALLY saying I'm a kind person and I don't want to hurt anyone ever. It has NOTHING to do with the people who gossip. Eh, I'm not explaining this well.

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