Smile! My Favorite Tv-Shows Smile!

Heheheh, I do watch too much tv sometimes. It's just hard to stop watching once you start following it! Here's a list of tv series I like to watch, along with some explanations.. Do you like these shows too?

...........Absolute Favorites...........

Talia Winters Babylon 5 and Crusade

This is the best scifi series of all time!!!!! Heh, this is my favorite tv-series. It's like a book.. a 5 year long story with so much depth and so much emotion. Tragedies and moments of beauty, action scenes and spiritual scenes, this series lacks nothing.

A young Captain Kirk Star Trek - TOS and TNG

Just look at that face! Who could resist the charm of Captain James Kirk? Hee, he sure was alive and kickin' when he was captain. Captain Picard is cool too, although sometimes I wish he was a tad more.. alive.. ;)

I've loved Star Trek ever since I saw my first episode. I saw the Enterprise fly through space and I was hooked, even though I didn't have a clue what they were saying. (Was too young to know English.)

The beautiful Xev LEXX

Funny, perverted, evil and crazy.. what more do you need in a scifi series? I just love Stan, even though he's a hopeless loser who keeps doing the WRONG thing. He went to hell when he died, we know he's bad. Still, his hopelessness makes him kinda cute.. And I prefer the redhead version of Zev/Xev. The dead guy is cool, and if he was more alive I'd be interested.. *giggles* That robothead is kind of annoying, but the crew wouldn't be complete without him.

Everyone Sailor Moon

What a beautiful story... I haven't heard of anything more beautiful! Not only wonderfully drawn by Naoko Takeuchi (you just have to see the manga!) but the stories are very touching and the characters evolve with time. I am amazed..

John and Marlena Days of Our Lives

I got hooked during the time Marlena was possessed by the demon, and I haven't been able to stop watching since! Now I love each and every person on that show, and I often think about what I would tell the characters to do given the chance. There's always so much trouble in Salem..

If you're looking for the most beautiful woman on Earth, it's Deidre Hall who plays doctor Marlena Evans. :) One last thing.. I love watching the person Marlena fears the most - Stephano DiMera - in action. There's just something about him..!!

Other Favorites:
* ER
* Angel
* Sabrina the Teenage Witch
* Oprah
* Charmed
* Conan O'Brien
* Mork and Mindy
* ALL SCIFI SERIES more or less

John and Marlena pic from Days and Sunset Beach Couples Page, and Star Trek Kirk pic from The Star Trek Compilation.

Now, wasn't that interesting? :op

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