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Why Christianity Stinx

A Personal Opinion

Ha, didn't I find a good way of getting your attention? If I would've picked a nice neutral title, who would've been interested? No, this is better.. and I do have something to say.

Why do I dislike religion/christianity? Oh let me count the ways..

Some believers can be pushy!! This I don't like about any religion. Pushy people often won't listen, so it's a one direction conversation.. and since I don't need to hear their message, the whole meeting is pointless.

Now, I wouldn't mind if someone said "Oh I think you're going to burn in hell for that" and stopped there, but when they continue talking as if they really could convert me (and some say they can if they're just given the chance), then things get REALLY pointless. I wouldn't recommend getting into a religious debate-discussion with me, I've had a lot of practice and can keep my cool longer than anyone I've met.

Another thing is "we know we're right, there is no way ever that we could be wrong!" C'mon!! Not too long ago people said the Earth was flat, and now we claim to know the secrets of the Universe!? Yeah, right...

How come some people can't be wrong? Because they quote the Bible? There are many ways to interpret the Bible, so how do you know you haven't interpreted it wrong? Because the minister says so? Is the minister infallible?

Most religions say "we know the real Truth, you're just lost and God will show you the right path". Just think about this.... MOST religions say the same thing, so how do you know which one is right? Because your parents say so? Because your minister says so? They're unable to make errors? Maybe they're lost and playing a part in the Devil's plan, hmm? All this arrogance.. It makes me concerned. Perhaps all religions are right....

A list of things I DON'T agree with:

- Gay people are wrong for being gay, they're going to hell and should be "normal" people because that's the way God intended.

- That Jesus meant that you have to accept him as your saviour before you can get to heaven.

- The Bible contains no errors. There is no way it could ever have been manipulated by humans.

- Sexuality is bad. (It's not said, it's a hidden thing in the whole culture that is christian mostly.)

- We only live once.

- There is a real Devil that spends his time making sure we do sinful things. Anything bad that happens might be the devil's work.

- Another hidden judgment: no sex before marriage.

......and more.

If you've read this far, I bet you'll see a pattern. Yes - First I say what I hate about christianity, then I say I hate that about all religions. So you see, this isn't a christianity hate page, it's a page thinking about religions. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand the teachings of christianity, it's simply not the religion for me. Thank goodness God made many religions, eh? :op

And yes, I do have many christian friends. I have nothing against the people, but everything against the faith.

Thank you for your time.. ;)

~ Jennifer


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Ps - I made these graphics, and you're welcome to use them, although if you can / want to, please give me the credit for them.